dowser|dowsers in English


['dows·er || daʊzə]

person who uses a divining rod to find water (or metal, etc.)

Use "dowser|dowsers" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dowser|dowsers" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dowser|dowsers", or refer to the context using the word "dowser|dowsers" in the English Dictionary.

1. 10 The dowsing response can tell as much about the dowser as about the site under investigation.

2. The ultimate wet dream, the Besotter of souls; Wretched dowser, shadowy harbinger of extinction, Mythical scythe-bearer, man's final goal

3. These are dowsers and people who think that they can talk to the dead as well, but they're amateurs; they don't know how to evaluate their own so-called powers.

4. Barbarizes ou dowser contradictable, refutable, opposable kyetä, pystyä, jaksaa, mahtaa, osata, saattaa, taitaa, voida, päästä, saada yksityiskohdat, lähemmät tiedot עולל வில்வம், வில்வ மரம் الجندي الألماني في الجيش الأمريكي zaměřený do sebe āksts avaries en cours de